Night Terrors - Elderly Care

It's 11pm, and your mother accidentally falls while heading to the bathroom, fracturing her hip. Unable to move, she lies on the cold, tiled floor, experiencing intense pain. Her phone, left in the bedroom, is out of reach, and her body temperature is dropping quickly. Alone and unnoticed, she won't be discovered until the household staff begin their shift at 7am. 

Enhancing Safety for Elderly Parents: Comprehensive Measures for Peace of Mind 

When the roles reverse, and we find ourselves in the position of caregiving and guiding our elderly parents, it presents a challenging but crucial transition. The safety of our elderly loved ones, especially when they reside alone or in a secluded section of a large family estate, is paramount. However, the delicate dance of suggesting assistance without undermining their independence can be tricky. A comprehensive approach can help ease these concerns, ensuring they are well-protected against potential hazards like accidents, home invasions, and common elderly-related incidents such as trips, slips, and falls. 

Security Systems: The First Line of Defense. 

1. A robust security system acts as a protective shield, providing both the elderly and their families with peace of mind. Here are some 

Thermal Cameras: Unlike standard cameras, thermal cameras can detect the heat emitted by objects. They are invaluable during the night or in obscured visibility conditions, making it easy to spot intruders or even misplaced pets. 

2. Monitoring: Real-time monitoring, possibly through a professional service or through connected smart devices, ensures that any anomaly or security breach is quickly detected and addressed. 

3. Duress Alarm with Advanced Features: An easy-to-use duress alarm can be a lifesaver. Features like fall detection automatically alert in case of trips or slips. Furthermore, the speakerphone feature advises the user's location and can initiate calls to up to six pre-selected numbers, ensuring swift assistance. 

4. GPS Trackers: Embedding GPS trackers in vehicles and phones can help track the elderly if they venture out. Especially useful for seniors experiencing memory challenges, these trackers ensure they can be located swiftly in case of emergencies. 

5. Smoke Detectors: Often overlooked, but critical. Advanced smoke detectors not only sense smoke but can also detect abrupt rises in temperature, alerting inhabitants well before a potential fire becomes uncontrollable. 

Medical Preparedness: A Step Beyond Regular Safety Measures. 

While the above security measures are crucial, medical preparedness can further ensure safety: 

1. Defibrillator Station: Cardiac events are unpredictable. Having a defibrillator in a known, accessible location in each residence is vital. A few moments can make the difference, and this device can provide crucial support before medical professionals arrive. The combination of CPR and defibrillation is the only definitive treatment for Sudden Cardiac Arrest, increasing survival rates by up to 70%.

2. Comprehensive Training: A defibrillator is useful only when someone knows how to operate it. 

Regular training sessions for all staff – whether internal aides, external support teams, drivers, and of course, family members – can be instrumental. Alongside this, CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) training ensures that the first response in emergencies is both swift and effective. 

3. A first response plan created for all staff and family members to have, to streamline response times by emergency services and have direct numbers to medical professionals. 

Having seen the impact of the above scenario on both the UHNW family and family offices on multiple occasions, Accordant Global Partners provides a wide range of protection, privacy, and security analysis, which enables our clients to understand the unique and actual risks they face. We also understand that the broader structure which the family office supports is constantly subject to change - often in terms of the principle and their extended family’s location. 

If the scenario in this article has prompted any concerns or red flags in the level of current safety or protection, AGP are here to have the conversation - and to explore both those concerns and solutions with you. We act as an on-call Chief Security/Chief Risk Officer, supporting you with up-to-date objective and expert advice. That conversation can evolve into multiple options – all geared towards improving client and Family Office safety and security, which include a Family Enterprise Risk Session, Risk Management Plan and Project & Incident Management schedule, where you can access our team of world class service providers, to rapidly engage with you anywhere in the world. 

AGP is committed to confirming the structures and strategies you have in place are both current and operational – ensuring that what you have is what you need.  

While conversations around safety might be tough, the peace of mind provided by these measures is invaluable. By proactively integrating advanced security systems and medical preparedness initiatives, children of elderly parents can be assured of their loved ones' safety and well-being. After all, ensuring that the golden years of our parents are spent in security and comfort is a responsibility we all share and cherish. 


Managing the Trusted Insider Threat to Your Family: A Comprehensive Approach